Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day: Green Tips

I love it that we have a day to celebrate our planet and turn our consciousness on to more sustainable choices and ways of living. Our planet and life should be celebrated every day, however, it's great that we have an international day to remind us of this. These are just some of the tips I could think of, that will help you, help our planet:


- Eat local, eat organic, eat as seasonal as you can and keep it raw vegan!
- Purchase food with recyclable packaging, or no packaging at all
- Say no to paper and plastic bags and shop with reusable canvas bags instead
- Eat at home and pack your own lunches for school and work
- Grow your own organic food!

Energy & Water:

- Walk, bike, carpool or use public transportation
- Use natural light as much as you can
- Keep lights and appliances off when not in the room or away from home
- Don't keep the water running while brushing your teeth or soaping yourself up in the shower
- Take more cold showers and less hot baths
- Don't keep the tap running while washing dishes (Soap in batches and rinse in batches)
- Collect rain water and use it to water your lawn and garden (Remember, plants like rain water much better than tap water)
- Weather proof your windows

Waste & Toxicity:

- Compost, recycle & reuse
- Use stainless steel or glass water bottles
- Save and reuse glass jars
- Buy second hand clothing, appliances, books, furniture, etc
- Use home made or green, non animal tested household cleaners (Baking soda, vinergar & water are a great start)
- Use home made or green hygiene products (Watch my "Keep it Clean" video)
- Buy recycled toilet paper
- Utilize handkerchiefs instead of tissue paper
- Utilize cloths instead of napkins and paper towels

No list of green tips is ever complete. There is always more to be added and said. Go ahead!

For even more tips, check out

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